Great Basin Water Network
The Great Basin Water Network (GBWN) was formed to protect the water resources of the Great Basin for residents, animals and plants. The Network promotes effective water conservation programs including economic incentives for water smart-practices as opposed to multi-million dollar projects that would burden urban taxpayers while leaving rural communities in jeopardy. As more people populate the Great Basin, water providers are expanding use of ground and surface water resources. This has created a climate for water exploitation threatening the balance between the human and natural environment.
Over-appropriation of water resources will jeopardize the future of our Native and rural communities and force urban taxpayers to foot the bill for ill-conceived pipeline and surface water diversions. As well, such expanded water developments will cause permanent damage to fragile watersheds causing impacts on wildlife habitat and the Special Places of the Great Basin.
We work with a diverse coalition of interests who want to keep water local.
GBWN is grateful for the support and friendship of the Ely Shoshone, Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Reservation, Duckwater Shoshone, Nevada Rangelands Resources Commission, N-4 Grazing Board, White Pine County, the Central Nevada Regional Water Authority, the Nevada Farm Bureau, the Center for Biological Diversity, the Sierra Club, the National Parks Conservation Association, the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada, the Community Foundation of Utah, Patagonia, Lush, Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment, One Percent for the Planet, League of Women Voters (Salt Lake), Amabile Designs, and so many others who have been there when we needed them most.

We need to stay informed. By joining the Great Basin Water Network you can stay abreast of western water issues and help us create an effective network of advocacy.