Today, Nevada’s senior U.S. Senator re-introduced legislation to sell off public lands in Southern Nevada, placating a long-running demand from real estate interests, President Trump, and Governor Lombardo. Senator Catherine…
Last week GBWN got a copy of a letter authored by the top water managers in the Lower Basin advocating for the new administration to study and consider the major…
When we are not working to defeat dangerous proposals in legislative sessions, we are working to pass laws that work for rural communities, ecosystems, and water users. That is our…
New email records between federal officials and contractors for the Central Iron County Water District show that there are major plans in the works to re-start the water-stealing Cedar City…
Federal regulators moved to deny a key request from rPlus Hydro’s White Pine Water Power, delaying project permitting for nearly two years and rebuffing a request to expedite the hydrologic…
Our dearest friend at the Water Network, Simeon Herskovits, passed away last week at the age of 61. For all of us at GBWN, Simeon was the legendary, almost immortal…
The new administration in Washington D.C. gutted the regulations overseeing the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, a key function for public participation and community protection on major actions proposed…
Data centers are grabbing lots of headlines. And for good reason. The necessary cooling sucks up lots of water. The energy demands are hefty. The power necessary to sustain them…
Keep a close eye on these bills working their way through the statehouses in the nation's driest states. In Nevada, watch AB109, AB134, AB9 and AB104. These are…
During the first few days of the new Administration, policy wonks across all sectors read the spate of Executive Orders with varying degrees of confusion, outrage, joy, indifference, or uncertainty.…
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The moral high ground is a crowded place these days. Most people want to believe they are taking a stand for the right thing. In…
Connection is the cornerstone of our work.
This week we participated in the Third Annual Great Basin Water Justice Summit with dear friends from across the region. In partnership with the…
Great Basin Water Network and Living Rivers released the following statements after the Bureau of Reclamation shared snapshots of the Alternatives relating to the upcoming Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)…
In the effort to demand accountability from regulators, the White Pine County Commission is sending the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission a major message on the pumped storage project jeopardizing the…
The lawsuit asks important questions about regulating deep groundwater drilling along the banks of a major river. As companies push to meet the demands of the green energy transition, the…
As tribal elders, we write this out of exhaustion and frustration.
Federal officials are not done targeting Bahsahwahbee as an industrial zone, continuing a decades-long trend that Western Shoshone and…
There are no shibboleths in an era of drought and aridity. And the Nevada Legislature is taking note. In the 2025 legislative session, state lawmakers will consider a proposal GBWN…
When GBWN engages in a project, we don't invest haphazardly. And our work analyzing and scrutinizing the multi-billion-dollar White Pine Waterpower proposal from rPlus Hydro is no exception.
This project would…
It just wouldn't feel like August if federal officials weren't bracing us for more water cuts —triggered by federal projections of reservoir elevations — for the Lower Basin at Lake…
Spring Valley, NV — Delaine and Rick Spilsbury have no vendettas — just a desire for recognition and reconciliation at Bahsahwahbee, a sacred gathering area and massacre site that’s hallowed…