A federal government deadline is looming over seven states that depend on Colorado River water. That deadline arrives on Jan. 31, and if the states haven’t agreed on a plan to save water, feds will dictate a solution for them.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 6, 2022 Media Contacts: Beaver County Commissioner Mark Whitney, 435-691-9448 GBWN Board Member Steve Erickson, 801-554-9029 Former White Pine County Commissioner Gary Perea, 775-761-6128 Chairwoman Tamra Borchardt Slayton, 435-691-3946 FILING INTENDS TO SEND CEDAR CITY PIPELINE FIGHT TO STATE COURT…
Watch a distinguished panel discuss the future of tribal water rights, dams, food production and overall management challenges on the river in the wake of the ongoing drought and the 100th anniversary of the Colorado River Compact. Speakers include Jason…
Please join GBWN and a panel of poets, hell raisers, writers, water warriors and folks who helped stop the Vegas water grab. GBWN and others will be reciting poems, making music, telling stories, and sharing wisdom.
The Sierra Nevada mountain range is dusted with snow fall from a recent storm. While many are cheering the recent weather, the snow is not enough to fix the drought in Lake Mead. As GBWN's Kyle Roerink told KLAS, "[a]…
The snowpack in the Rocky Mountains has risen above normal for this time of year. While the snowmelt will eventually find its way into the Colorado River, the elevated snowpack is not enough to erase years of drought conditions. GBWN's…
After years of ringing alarm bells - the folks on the Colorado River are finally realizing Lake Mead is running out of water. SNWA has proposed a new framework for the Basin States to cut hundreds of thousands of acre-feet…
Lake Powell bears a lot of responsibility. The Glen Canyon Dam holds water for millions of people and crops downstream. However, drought conditions are severely impacting the water levels in the lake. GBWN's Kyle Roerink spoke with KUER about the…
The Southern Nevada Water Authority claims it has a plan for how the seven Colorado River Basin States can protect Lake Mead and Lake Powell. However, it's unclear whether the other Basin States agree with their plan. Great Basin Water…
Groundwater is an important resource in the Desert West. Cities across Utah and Nevada rely on underground aquifers for fresh water. As reliance on this resource becomes more prevalent, researchers are exploring an important question: How old is the water?…
The West Desert water fight continues on, as Iron County water officials look to extract billions of gallons of water from Pine Valley to sustain growth in Cedar City. The fight has left the ground and is heading into the…
In December 2022, leaders from the Colorado River Basin states came together to consider how to fix the water shortage on the river. One solution that came up was paying farmers to leave water in the river. GBWN's Kyle Roerink…
With your support, Great Basin Water Network helped kill the Southern Nevada Water Authorities' pipeline. However, the water grab may be rising from the dead. GBWN's Kyle Roerink talked with KLAS about the seemingly endless fight.
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The Great Salt Lake is currently dying. Water is at the lowest level in recorded history, causing toxic dust storms, imperiled bird populations, and economic losses. GBWN's Kyle Roerink spoke with the Salt Lake Tribune about the issue.
The Colorado snowpack levels are higher than in recent years, but as GBWN's Kyle Roerink explains, the drought is far from over. “Looking at today’s snowpack as a potential respite from the strife on the Colorado River is like being…
Colorado River managers have been making agreements to cut their water usage, but getting to yes have been difficult.
“If there are any FBI or CIA hostage negotiators out there who are willing to help get water managers in touch…
The Southern Nevada municipal water board is punishing the top 10 percent of residential water users. The goal is to encourage those customers to change their behaviors and help the valley conserve more water amid the worsening western…
The Great Salt Lakes of Great Basin are important connections to the past - but they are in trouble. “These lakes are relics of the past, and they hold a lot of answers to the way Mother Earth changes,” said…
For more than 30 years, the Southern Nevada Water District fought for the Vegas Pipeline. Together, we stopped it. But the fight may not be over. The Las Vegas Review Journal talked with our team about concerns that the pipeline…