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Thank you, Rob, for serving many years on the Great Basin Water Network’s Board of Directors. Few people really know how much you sacrificed for rural water over the years. You lived and worked in the lion’s den of Las Vegas, working for Clark County in a number of high-profile jobs that made you the punching bag for standing up for what you believed in, NO PIPELINE! And you survived!

You said, “My passion was defeating the pipeline and Pat Mulroy. I pledged to myself that I would stay actively and passionately involved until both happened or I died trying. I lost my job with the

County on account of my questioning the pipeline, so there was a personal side besides my deep concern for the natural heritage of Nevada. What really got to Pat Mulroy was when I suggested in a cooperating agency meeting that we have the National Academy of Science review the prerelease of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement.” Your field work on habitat has been and is always accurate, your enthusiasm runs high, and so many depended on you when the going got rough. It’s not time to hang up your gloves! You still have a large role to play even though family matters caused you to move to upstate New York. Your memory serves you well. Your passion keeps you going. GBWN will now rely on you again to be a Senior Advisor. That means continuing what you’ve been doing with the same fervor, clarity and knowledge. That means you attend meetings when you can and offer opinions when it matters. It means you still can write letters and challenge authority. It’s just a new phase! Enjoy it and know that you’re still counted on in many ways. Thank you Rob! —Susan Lynn, GBWN senior advisor

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