During one of the warmest year's on record, southern Utah officials are looking toward the Nevada-Utah border for their future water. The proposed Pine Valley Water Supply Project is not only wasteful - it is harmful. “This project will siphon…
The Spectrum has recently published a series addressing topics relevant to water security in southwestern Utah. As part of this series, Great Basin Water Network is making it clear: a pipeline is not the solution. "There’s all this talk about…
Courtesy: Paul Monroe/ Central Iron Water Conservancy District (2017)
The Central Iron County Water Conservancy District is seeking approval of a $253.6 million pipeline to transport about 15,000 acre-feet of water to Cedar City each year. We strongly oppose the…
When driving through Cedar City, locals and visitors are met with lush, green grass, new construction and a desire to maintain business as usual during a megadrought. The community is draining its own water supply but doesn’t want to change…
Courtesy: Asher Swan | The Spectrum & Daily News
With the Pine Valley Pipeline Project officially under federal review, Cedar City resident Bruce Washburn examines water saving alternatives, and asks an important question - why aren't officials considering them seriously?
Photo Courtesy: Lexi Peery, KUER
The Iron County Water Project is officially under Federal review. Great Basin Water Network spoke with KUER about what this project means for residents of Southern Utah. Plus, Utah officials admit this project will add $50…
As Controversial Pine Valley EIS is Released, Western Groups Ask State Auditor to Investigate Iron County Water District Groups File Complaint Over Iron County’s Pine Valley Water Project Meeting, for Violating Utah Open & Public Meetings Act …
Baker, NV –– Tomorrow the Bureau of Land Management will officially release a Draft Environmental Impact Statement on the Pine Valley Water Supply Project, a dangerous groundwater pumping and pipeline proposal that will harm a swath of groundwater basins, ecosystems and…
BAKER, NV –– Tomorrow, federal officials will release a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for a quarter-billion-dollar water project in Iron County that will impose a major cost burden on local residents, harm the environment and jeopardize the region’s water future…
In December, Great Basin Water Network's Kyle Roerink joined Clark County Commissioner Tick Segerblom to discuss the influential role of the Colorado River Basin and approaches to water management. Sierra Nevada Ally recently reported on the conference and shared the…
Credit: Lindsay Wilson
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” ― Upton Sinclair
In a recent piece by the Salt Lake Tribune Editorial Board explores the current use of water…
Credit: Chitose Suzuki/Las Vegas Review-Journal
Southern Nevada's top water official has said the Colorado River is out of easy solutions. In its latest article about John Entsminger, the Las Vegas Review Journal spoke with GBWN about how Entsminger is handling Southern…
Credit: Tony Webster
The Southern Nevada Water Authority is considering a resolution that would pave the way for prohibiting the installation of turf in all new developments except schools, parks, and cemeteries. The Las Vegas Review Journal Spoke with GBWN to…
Courtesy Chris Caldwell / The Spectrum & Daily News
As part of their series addressing topics relevant to water security in southwestern Utah, the Spectrum spoke with Great Basin Water Network's Kyle Roerink regarding the trajectory of Utah's attitudes about water. …
Courtesy Adrille
This week, Great Basin Water Network and allies from across the region partnered on a press conference to highlight that three upper basin states are already overusing their allocation of the Colorado River while they advocate for wasteful…
A new report led by the Utah Rivers Council highlights a startling fact about the Colorado River: As Upper Basin States call for more dams and pipelines, they are actually overusing their allocations to the dwindling river. The…
Record-breaking drought along the Wasatch Front forces tough decisions about water supply.
Photo Courtesy of Tony Frates
Utah, like most of the Desert Southwest, is facing major water shortages. To help supply the demand, officials are attempting to pipe freshwater into…
Iron County had one of the driest and warmest years on record in 2021. At a packed public meeting county officials laid out the plans for the future of water resources in the area.
The Central Iron County Water Conservancy District faced hundreds of concerned citizens Tuesday, December 7, 2021.
The Great Basin Water District was in attendance, and made your voice heard.
Read more about the meeting in YahooNews!
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The Mineral County Independent News recently posted a recap of the most recent issue of "Water Grab," a publication of the Great Basin Water Network. You can read more by clinking the button below!
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