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Unbeknownst to many Nevadans, the Southern Nevada Water Authority owns a vast ranching operation hundreds of miles outside of Las Vegas. KLAS spoke with ranchers who say they…
The Cedar City Water Grab will pump billions of gallons of water away from basins in Utah's West Desert and parts of Eastern Nevada. The project proponents are advocating…
On Thursday, a coalition of elected officials, businesses, ag interests, and conservationists from across the Colorado River Basin will gather at Hoover Dam to demand that lawmakers and federal water…
Baker, NV – Today the Great Basin Water Network released the following statement after the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on Public Lands, Forests and Mining held a…
Last week, New York Times reporter Alan Burdick spoke with GBWN on the non-functional turf ban made possible by AB356 in the Nevada legislative session. The piece highlighted an…
On May 21, 2020, the SNWA “deferred” its Groundwater Development Project AKA the Las Vegas Pipeline. That was the conclusion to a monumental fight over specific water rights applications and…
After votes in both chambers of the Nevada Legislature, tribal elders and leaders released the following statements after the Senate passage of AB171 and AJR4, legislation to protect the Bahsahwahbee…
A group of more than 20 stakeholders is investigating the future of adjudicating and reviewing water cases in Nevada. Like most things involving water, there will be an array of…
The West Desert Water Grab proposal from Cedar City, Utah is a dark horse riding in the areas that are near and dear to our hearts. The Central Iron County…
Late last year, the Nasdaq Veles California Water Index started trading futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. This phenomenon has yet to come to Nevada or Utah. But there are…
The most controversial and contentious water bill of the Utah legislative session, which ended in March, ramps up the state’s efforts to push back against concerns of the other six…
The Californiacation of Utah and Nevada’s water is happening right before our eyes. The question is: What are we going to do about it?
For the past few weeks, an old…
As you are reading this, the Nevada legislative session is nearing an end. Many of our bad bills died a wonderful death. And there was one good surprise. This is…
We’ve heard it all before: The Colorado River is not in good shape. Drought, climate change, and population booms are draining Lakes Powell and Mead, which currently supply millions…
While proclaiming to be for conservation, two bills will legitimize speculation, create dangerous water markets and make it easier to export water -- all in the name of profit. …
We just wanted to provide a quick update on this historic vote today. Thanks to the groundswell of support from folks like you, the Assembly Natural Resources Committee voted to…
On March 15, GBWN Board Member Delaine Spilsbury and Chairman Rupert Steele continued on a journey to do what was once thought impossible. They addressed lawmakers about the need to…
This week lawmakers introduced the long-awaited “Water Banking” and “Conservation” bills, AB 354 and AB 356 (respectively).
These are GBWN’s top priorities…
On Monday at 4 PM in the Nevada Assembly Natural Resources Committee, lawmakers will be making history. There will be two hearings on two bills, AJR4 and AB171, which seek…
In the arid west, it is paramount for water users and water advocates to have access to the justice system to defend their interests. Before the legislative session began the…